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August 2, 2024

Highlights of Uzbekistan: Incredible History, Architecture & More

Uzbekistan, private Uzbekistan tours

Once a significant part of the fabled Silk Road network of trade routes between China and the Mediterranean, Uzbekistan in Central Asia is a captivating blend of ancient history and fascinating culture that reflects the region’s historic position at the crossroads of East and West.

Artisans of Leisure arranges private Uzbekistan tours that feature the country’s cultural highlights, including the ancient Silk Road cities of Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara and Tashkent, destinations that continue to enchant travelers today with their rich heritage, spectacular architecture, vibrant bazaars and beautiful crafts.

Some of our favorite highlights that we can include in any of our private Uzbekistan tours include:


One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Central Asia, Samarkand is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its awe-inspiring architecture covered in vivid blue tiles and its rich cultural heritage that harkens back to the exchange of goods and ideas between Asia and Europe.

Amir Temur (Tamerlane), the Turco-Mongol conqueror and founder of the region’s powerful Timurid Empire which dominated the region in the 13th and 14th centuries, made Samarkand his capital. The city is home to some of the world’s most significant masterpieces of Timurid architecture, including tile-covered mosques, madrassas (Islamic schools), mausoleums and bazaars.

The majestic Registan Square is one of Samarkand’s most iconic landmarks and an impressive example of Timurid architecture. Historic madrassas, a mosque and a bazaar surround the vast public square with a dazzling array of minarets, archways and domes covered in vivid blue tiles.

In addition to exploring backstreets and visiting renowned architectural landmarks like the Shah-i-Zinda necropolis, we also take travelers to the top local museums, bustling markets and specialty shops.

For interested travelers, we can arrange private visits with local artisans to learn more about the rich heritage of traditional Uzbek crafts.

Artisans of Leisure also arranges Jewish touring in Samarkand, featuring the highlights of the Jewish Quarter, including a beautiful 19th-century synagogue and a house museum with incredible interiors that once belonged to a wealthy Jewish merchant.


Bukhara, another ancient Silk Road city, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its rich history, traditional crafts and spectacular architecture. The historic center of Bukhara, which dates back over 2,000 years, is considered one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Central Asia.

Highlights of Bukhara include the 12th-century Kaylan (Kalon) Minaret in the iconic Poi Kalyan complex is one of Bukhara’s most significant landmarks. The nearby mosque and madrassa showcase the region’s rich Islamic heritage with majestic courtyards and elaborate tilework.

The Bukhara Ark, an ancient walled palace-fortress complex that was the residence of the emirs of Bukhara for centuries, offers visitors an overview of the city’s history, culture and architecture.

Bukhara has an incredible crafts heritage, and the local bazaars are filled with high-quality suzani (intricate hand-embroidered textiles), woodwork, ceramics, carpets and jewelry.

For travelers interested in a hands-on experience, Artisans of Leisure can arrange a private visit to the home and studio of a master painter, where travelers can take a private painting class or learn to make plov (a national dish made of pilaf that typically includes meat, onions, and carrots).


An atmospheric oasis town on the edge of the desert, Khiva was a major caravan stop on the Silk Road for centuries.

Ichan Kala, Khiva’s walled historic center, is an evocative UNESCO World Heritage Site with stunning tile-adorned madrassas, mosques, and palaces that reflect the Timurid Empire’s economic prosperity and flourishing culture, learning and arts.

Highlights of touring the narrow lanes of Khiva’s walled inner town include the Kalta Minor Minaret, one of Khiva’s most notable landmarks…

…incredible historic mosques, ornate mausoleums and well-preserved palaces with sumptuous rooms and courtyards covered in elaborate glazed tiles.

Khiva is also a great place to browse for traditional Uzbek crafts in local boutiques, markets and workshops, particularly woodcarving, jewelry and silk rugs.


The capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, is an interesting blend of ancient and modern Uzbekistan with medieval Islamic monuments, 20th-century Soviet architecture, modern high rises and a growing culinary scene.

Much of the city was rebuilt following a devastating earthquake in 1966, but several historical landmarks remain, such as the Hazrati Imam Complex. This 16th-century square is notable for its large mosque, historic madrassa and renowned library, which contains one of the oldest Korans in the world.

The Chorsu Bazaar, Tashkent’s oldest market, is a great place to sample local specialties and observe daily life amid the mountains of colorful spices, dried fruits, handicrafts and more.

We take travelers to privately tour Tashkent’s notable museums, such as the State Museum of Applied Arts. Housed in a beautiful 19th-century mansion with exquisite interiors, the museum features thousands of works by the best master artisans from the 19th century to the present.

In contrast to the traditional Uzbek architecture in Tashkent, a striking legacy of Uzbekistan’s Soviet era is the Tashkent Metro. First opened in 1977, these palatial underground stations function as works of public art that transport subway riders through the city.

Time in Uzbekistan also combines well with other fascinating destinations in Central Asia such as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

Contact Artisans of Leisure to begin planning a private Uzbekistan tour that includes ancient Silk Road cities, stunning architecture and interiors, artisan crafts, vibrant markets, and culinary touring.

Bukhara, private Uzbekistan tours

Destinations:  Asia, Central Asia, Uzbekistan

Tags:  ancient history, architecture, architecture tours, art, art tours, Bukhara, Central Asia, Central Asia tours, crafts, culinary touring, decorative arts, design, history tours, Islamic design, Jewish heritage tours, Jewish touring, Khiva, local artisans, local markets, luxury Uzbekistan tours, private Uzbekistan tours, Samarkand, Samarkand tours, Silk Road, Silk Road crafts, Silk Road history, Tashkent, tiles, Timurid architecture, traditional crafts, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Uzbek crafts, Uzbek cuisine, Uzbek history, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan tiles, Uzbekistan tours